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Personally I think that you are all looking way too far up a very pricey path. The best coin vanish in my oppinion for a big shiny coin in the Retention Vanish, taugh in BoBo's Coin Magic it is the best. However you do need a natural looking classic palm.
The next vanish is the French drop. This (also taught in Bobo's) is in my oppinion one of the best vanishes out there for small coins like a 2p, 10p, Nickle or Quater. It is hugley overlooked as it is so simple, but often simple is best.
While melt is a great effect, it is not completley impromptu and there are many other tricks which are very effective but require a similar set-up. Personally I prefer the idea that I can use any coin in any situation and not have to do anything to it before I start.
I went through a stage a couple of years ago with my magic where I brought loads of effects because they looked really good, and while they were it was almost impossible to use more than five when I was performing because I had to keep switching decks and coins. I would get them confused and after a couple of mishaps I changed tack and said to myself that I was going to rely on my own hands and not other peoples machines. This had two effects. One I had to spend a lot more time infront of the miror and two I never forgot my hands.
There is so much to be found in J.Bobo's Modern Coin Magic that so many people including myself skim over saying "Well that was great iv'e got the basics, now where do I go." The answer is that the book is like Mary Poppin's hand bag, keep digging and who knows what you will find.
So in short save your money stick with BoBo and although it will take you much longer to master these totally impromptu effects they will serve you better than any gimmick.
the trick was just amazing and i get good reactions. people ask me who thought of the trick and i cant tell them because i dont know and i think they should know so he can get all the credit.
also where can i get another one because i got mine from penguin magic and they dont have it know more if they do can someone give me a link if not can someone give me a link to somewere else please.
I did some research and couldn't find it myself. I am familiar with the trick and couldn't find it anymore. It uses an invisible thread setup of course. You could really make your own variations after owning some thread as well. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me could give you the author though

This set is a collection of three dvds. One deals with tricks, one flourishes, and one "everything else". There is so much packed in here that your jaw will drop after reading the contents. This is enough material to keep a card magician and flourisher busy for a long time. (and yes it’s $85 on every magic site that sells it)
Well you do get 14 tricks – at 85 bucks that’s, only about 6 bucks a piece. But you also get 10 sleights. And on the third disk you get almost 17 more things! Plus a booklet!!
It’s 6 hours long, at 85 bucks, it’s like 6 - 1 hour lessons at only $14 a lesson – and you get the keep the lessons on DVD!
You know when so many other DVD’s cost $30 and you ONLY get 1 effect, we should be applauding this DVD set, and all buying a copy right freakin now to show our support!
I may be talking to myself on this one. But looking over the internet a few claimed the documents had been found by Allan Slaight...which makes perfect sense. On the other hand I don't understand why all the variations have been published, and not the orginal letter. Someone claimed in Magic Cafe it was indeed released in a manuscript recently. Knowing many versions of this mystic legend I came up with one of my own over the course of a few months. Dang it all though, I'd pay a pretty penny to see the original letter that has plauged magicians for years. Anyone know if it really is in underground circulation? If it is how can a fanatic like me get a peek?
“Most people hate BAD card tricks!”
“Most people hate GOOD card tricks performed by a jerk or a hack!”
“Most people LOVE good card tricks performed by someone who cares about magic as
an art and his audience as people!”
How I wish this site was around when I first got into magic about 22 years ago. Actually, I wish the internet was around then. Back when I first got the bug, the only real 4 places to buy magic in the UK were Davenports, International Magic Studio, Repro and Supreme. Ahhh the good old days.
Very briefly (or maybe not so) for those that are interested and can't sleep, I got hooked at about 15 yrs old. Got into kids' magic, close up and then found my calling in comedy stage magic. My best friend at school became my backstage technician and we eventually formed a comedy double act. We worked this though school, college and our day jobs and almost went full time pro. Our act had all sorts in it - magic, illusions, juggling, unicycling, and we wrote, directed and performed in a handful of our own full evening stage shows for a few years.
Our act was called Magic Incorporated and we worked all round the UK including appearing in a couple of the Magic Circle Christmas shows as guests (we never joined); the London Palladium and Her Majesty's Theatre in big charity shows; and probably one of my most memorable shows at the IBM stage competition in Scarborough around 1992. This was when our Pendragon sub trunk spoof raised the roof with the loudest cheer and roar of laughter I've ever heard, in front of a couple of thousand of our peers. The write up in the Budget afterwards had the reviewer very kindly saying - "the best sight gag of the convention".
We stopped performing around 1997 as our day job took over - we both started and run a media production company, however I still enjoy watching, magically jamming and staying connected to the art.
It's been about 13 years since I've properly performed on stage and am seriously thinking about coming back with a solo act.
I've been mulling over a few ideas for routines with a close friend of mine who back then wrote for us and directed some of our routines. This site is an amazing resource and I'm sure it won't be long before I have a script in my hand looking for venues to perform at.
Well, I'm off now to research for some ideas and hope to chat to some of you soon.