Personally I think that you are all looking way too far up a very pricey path. The best coin vanish in my oppinion for a big shiny coin in the Retention Vanish, taugh in BoBo's Coin Magic it is the best. However you do need a natural looking classic palm.
The next vanish is the French drop. This (also taught in Bobo's) is in my oppinion one of the best vanishes out there for small coins like a 2p, 10p, Nickle or Quater. It is hugley overlooked as it is so simple, but often simple is best.
While melt is a great effect, it is not completley impromptu and there are many other tricks which are very effective but require a similar set-up. Personally I prefer the idea that I can use any coin in any situation and not have to do anything to it before I start.
I went through a stage a couple of years ago with my magic where I brought loads of effects because they looked really good, and while they were it was almost impossible to use more than five when I was performing because I had to keep switching decks and coins. I would get them confused and after a couple of mishaps I changed tack and said to myself that I was going to rely on my own hands and not other peoples machines. This had two effects. One I had to spend a lot more time infront of the miror and two I never forgot my hands.
There is so much to be found in J.Bobo's Modern Coin Magic that so many people including myself skim over saying "Well that was great iv'e got the basics, now where do I go." The answer is that the book is like Mary Poppin's hand bag, keep digging and who knows what you will find.
So in short save your money stick with BoBo and although it will take you much longer to master these totally impromptu effects they will serve you better than any gimmick.
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